To pay your bills, you can do so on OuvAdmin (in french), link “Mes factures” in the left-hand menu.
Three payment methods are available.
By bank card
We prefer payments made by card. Indeed it is the method of payment which represents the least charge for your cooperative.
This can be complicated for associations or institutions that sometimes do not have a bank card.
It is often possible, fortunately, that one of the members of the association makes the payment on his personal card, and then gets reimbursed (it is possible to edit the invoices, via the panel, for this purpose).
Many do this: thank to them!
By bank transfer
You can make a transfer to Ouvaton’s bank account (the IBAN is available on your Ouvadmin panel). It takes from 3 to 6 days for the taking into account of a payment by transfer.
If you pay by transfer, it is imperative that we have your cooperator reference (the 13-digit number that you will find on the page “Mes informations”) and that the amount of your payment is strictly identical to the amount indicated on the home page of OuvAdmin.
Do not forget to indicate your cooperator number in the subjet of the transfer.
It is also important not to pay your bills and the purchase of shares with the same transfer.
You must use two bank transfers: one for the invoice, the other for the shares.
Note : Transfer payments require manual operations and take time. Meanwhile, the reminder script continues to do its job. If you want to avoid reminders … and make our life easier, pay by card 😉